The wildest meal ever – RAW x Akame
RAW and AKAME collaborated onneworiginal dishes. The wisdom, purity, and wildness ofthe mountains passed down from our ancestorshascreated the unique characteristics of”soil”, “charcoal fire”, “rock” and “tree”, which are the four most important basic elementsfor indigenous people. Taking this asinspiration, the chefs showcased the most direct,uninhibited, and headstrong by usingtheir imaginations and new interpretations of the“wild”.This is the first timethatAKAME’sChef AlexhasvisitedRAW. Together, they took ona challenge proposed by Chef Andre–using four natural elements as the axis for designing amenu, incorporating ingredients used in everyday cooking, making them match the season,and bringing together special spices, wood-smoking, and charcoal smoking to createnatural, unaffected, rudimentary flavors.